SMRI Application Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in the SMRI Program! Applications are accepted in the Fall of each year.  Please take the following steps to apply to become an SMRI intern!

SMRI Application

  • Must be a Minds Matter student beginning your Junior year
  • Interested/curious about a career in the STEM (Science/Medicine, Technology, Engineering, Math) Fields
  • Enrollment in previous or current science courses is not required
  • Parental consent is mandatory
  • You must have health insurance to intern in a Columbia laboratory
  • You must be able to attend all Bio-Boot Camp Lectures during the Fall Semester
  • You will be required to spend a minimum of 6 hours per week in the laboratory during your Spring semester


The SMRI Information Session takes place during the Minds Matter Summer Sessions.

Applications for the 2019-20 SMRI program are here!

To be considered for the internship, please complete the following components:

CSMRI Application:

  • Personal Information (including parent permission signature)
  • Academic Information
  • Extracurricular Activities
  • Short Essays

Two Letters of Recommendation:

  • Ask references to submit their letters directly to the link (
  • Aim for one professional (e.g. teacher) and one personal (e.g. mentor) reference.


Applications are due by Wednesday, October 9th. Make sure you get started early, especially with asking your references for letters of recommendation!

Interviews will be held October 19th and/or 26th at the Minds Matter Saturday session.